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       Scatter some toy spiders on the refreshment table and make small ghosts from cheese cloth or ivory material. Line and accent the ghost head with quilt batting or additional cheese cloth, then wrap a long piece of purple yarn around the spirit neck. Leave enough of the yarn so that a place card can be attached to each ghost. Cheap nfl jerseys If we were Ancient Romans, we would have celebrated the Lupercalia last week. It's name was taken from the word for "wolf", but it actually had nothing to do with them. Instead, you would start by sacrificing a goat and a dog, which is frowned upon today but par for the course in old timey religions. cheap nfl jerseys Given how close most of the games were, it isn't much of a stretch to say that Randolph equalling Griffin's offensive production would have tipped the series. So this opening night provides a very good first test for how far back to All Star level Randolph is. For the Grizzlies to be a contender this s...